Sometimes, because of the situation, it is easy to be carried away and lose our joy in the Lord. Our news is filled with words that relate to crisis, lockdown, even confusion. 

However, the bible points us to a different focus. We are called to embrace a higher perspective. 

The verse says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, Rejoice!”(Philippians 4:4) 

Abiding joy should be our aim. In fact, it should be the goal of every Christian. The joy we speak of is not dependent on the situation we are in. This joy is driven by the power of Christ which is every believer, rooted in the presence of Christ in us! For us to live our lives rooted in the Joy that is in Jesus, we must first understand rejoicing in the Lord entails. 

What does it mean to “rejoice in the Lord always”?

  1. It does not mean we will never be sad. 

If you are feeling down, sad or maybe a little discouraged, it is normal. It is the human side of us that gets carried away by the situation. However, we have hope! We are called to embrace another view. Choose to keep hoping, to keep dreaming, and to keep rejoicing! 

  1. It is not a matter of feeling but of obedience. 

If we are going to read that verse again, we will realize that we are being commanded to rejoice! Meaning, every time we feel disheartened, out of obedience, we have to rejoice. Despite the trials we face, our option is to fill our hearts with joy. This doesn’t mean that we blindly disregard our current situation. It means that God’s rescue is on the way. Better rejoice early! 

  1. An attitude of contentment and hope

Sometimes, the greatest obstacle to joy is the condition of our hearts. I believe that we are called to greater things. However, I also believe that we are not to be discouraged when things are not what we expected them to be, at least not at the moment. Therefore, it is necessary to have a heart that appreciates where God has brought us through while looking forward to a great harvest in the coming days. 


Now that we have a better understanding of what it means to “rejoice in the Lord,” follow the three simple and practical steps below to help you walk with great joy in your hears: 


How can we rejoice in the Lord?

  1. Personal Relationship with Christ John 1:12 (Build a strong personal relationship with Christ)
  2. Keep your mind and heart in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His promises Jer.29:11 (You won’t stay sad if you are fully aware of His promises! )
  3. Live by Faith, not by Feeling or by Sight – 2 Cor.5:7 (Faith is the currency of Heaven. Keep believing and never, ever, give up! )

Let this verse remind each of us that no matter how big the trouble we are in, God’s finished work was done to bring peace in our hearts. And every heart that is at peace is a heart that rejoices! 

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

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