Christmas is celebrated around the world. Each culture has a slightly different version of it. To those who have grown around a Filipino community, Christmas begins as early as September, popularly known as the start of the “BER” months.    

Being one of the most important events in the Christian calendar, Christmas is surrounded by arguments and controversy. During this time you will hear arguments about the exact birth date of Christ, the inclusion of the Nativity Scene in Christmas trees, whether to use “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”, or making sure Christ is not eliminated from Christmas by writing it as “X-Mas”. 

However, this season is not about winning an argument. It is about winning the hearts of men. 

Our series this year is titled, “Christmas Begins with Christ”. Our desire as a church community is to highlight the person and work of Jesus. It is easy to get distracted in this season wherein the world offers diverse alternatives. Ask 10 people around what this day means to them and you’ll probably get 10 or more different answers.


Remember these three things Christians have to emphasize on what this season is about. 

Christmas is a Promise


Throughout the Old Testament, God promised a savior who will save the world. From the garden of Eden, through the lives of the patriarchs, and through the words of the prophets, Christ has been foretold and previewed. You have to know that Jesus is the Son of God long before He was born to Mary.

On the day Jesus was born, God has finally brought into fruition what He has promised to His people generation after generation. Christ has come, the savior of the world. 


Christmas is about Hope

If you are feeling down and hopeless, this is a time to reflect on the promises of God in your life. Let all the sounds and smells of this season point you to the faithfulness of God. Remember His goodness and His providential care. Keep the hope alive and burning in your heart. What He has promised, He will do! 

Begin with a quick google search on the promises of God in the Bible. Try this now and get blown away by the result!

Christmas is about Family and Community

The Nativity is a powerful picture of what Christmas is really about. While the focuses on lights, food, and acquiring material things, the first Christmas pictures family and community bound by a purpose. We can see that heaven and earth have come together to witness God’s greatest promise: to save the world from the death caused by sin. 

Keep reaching out to your family members and to the people in your sphere. Let them experience the love of Christ through your speech and actions. Make all efforts to make Him known, especially at this time of the year.

It is our hope that in this season, more than anything else, make Christ the reason why we gather, give gifts, and celebrate. Let us keep in mind that when God makes a promise, He is sure to fulfill it. 

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